中国科学技术大学近代力学系 (安徽合肥)
个人主页: https://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/sunxiaohao
电子邮箱: sunxiaohao@ustc.edu.cn
孙晓昊,中国科学技术大学近代力学系,特任研究员,博士生导师,入选中国科学院人才引进项目(B类),获得中国科学院院长奖、中国科学技术大学优秀毕业生等荣誉。长期从事智能软材料与柔性结构力学研究,主要研究方向涉及智能软材料和柔性结构力学、力学中的机器学习、粘附与仿生力学。在国际权威期刊Nat. Commun.、JMPS.、IJSS、IJMS、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Matter.等发表论文30篇,ESI高被引1篇,内封面1篇,编辑精选1篇;授权发明专利1项。成果被中、美、英、欧等多院院士及业内专家多次引用,还被Advanced Science News、4D Printing Society、中国科学院官网、中国科学技术大学新闻网等媒介报道。曾担任国际工程科学协会年会(2022 SES)分会场主席;担任Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering期刊编委。
1. X.H. Sun†, L. Yue†, L. Yu†, C. Forte, C. Armstrong, K. Zhou, F. Demoly, R. Zhao, H.J. Qi*. “Machine learning-enabled forward prediction and inverse design of 4D-printed active plates”, Nature Communications, Accepted.
2. X.H. Sun†, L. Yu†, L. Yue†, K. Zhou, F. Demoly, R. Zhao, H.J. Qi*. “Machine learning and sequential subdomain optimization for ultrafast inverse design of 4D-printed active composite structures”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2024, 186, 105561.
3. X.H. Sun, K. Zhou, F. Demoly, R. Zhao, H.J. Qi*. “Perspective: Machine learning in design for 3D/4D printing”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2024, 91(3), 030801.
4. L. Yue†, X.H. Sun†, L. Yu, M. Li, S. Montgomery, Y. Song, T. Nomura, M. Tanaka, H.J. Qi*. “Cold-programmed shape-morphing structures based on grayscale digital light processing 4D printing”, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 5519.
5. X.H. Sun, L. Yue, L. Yu, H. Shao, X. Peng, K. Zhou, F. Demoly, R. Zhao, H.J. Qi*. “Machine Learning-Evolutionary Algorithm Enabled Design for 4D-Printed Active Composite Structures”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(10), 2109805.
6. X.H. Sun, L. Yu, M. Rentschler, H.A. Wu*, R. Long*. “Delamination of a rigid punch from an elastic substrate under normal and shear forces”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2019, 122, 141-160.
7. L. Lu†, S. Leanza†, J. Dai†, X.H. Sun, R. Zhao*. “Easy snap-folding of hexagonal ring origami by geometric modifications”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023, 171, 105142.
8. X.H. Sun, S. Wu, J. Dai, S. Leanza, L. Yue, L. Yu, Y. Jin, H.J. Qi*, R. Zhao*. “Phase diagram and mechanics of snap-folding of ring origami by twisting”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 248, 111685.
9. D.J. Roach†*, X.H. Sun†, X. Peng†, F. Demoly, K. Zhou, H.J. Qi*. “4D Printed Multifunctional Composites with Cooling-Rate Mediated Tunable Shape Morphing”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2203236.
10. X.H. Sun†*, K. Wang†, J. Chen, H.A. Wu, R. Long*. “Finite element simulation of a viscoelastic cell entering a cylindrical channel: effects of frictional contact”, Mechanics of Materials, 2022, 167, 104263.
11. L. Yu†, X.H. Sun†, Y. Jin, W. Zhang, R. Long*. “Mechanics of vitrimer particle consolidation and fusion under heat press”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2021, 201, 106466.
12. S.M. Chen†, H.L. Gao†, X.H. Sun†, Z.Y. Ma, T. Ma, J. Xia, Y.B. Zhu, R. Zhao, H.B. Yao, H.A. Wu, S.H. Yu. “Superior biomimetic nacreous bulk nanocomposite materials by a multiscale soft-rigid polymer dual-network interfacial design strategy”, Matter, 2019, 1(2), 412-427.
13. X.H. Sun, H.A. Wu*, R. Long*. “Thermomechanics of a temperature sensitive covalent adaptable polymer with bond exchange reactions”, Soft Matter, 2016, 12(43), 8847-8860.