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- 1962-1967 中国科学技术大学近代力学系本科
- 1978-1985 中国科学技术大学近代力学系研究生:
- 1982年获爆炸力学硕士学位
- 1985年获固体力学博士学位
- 1985年至今在中国科学技术大学力学和机械工程系从事教学科研工作,历任讲师、副教授、教授(博士生导师),
- 1987年4月-1988年8月到英国利物浦大学从事合作研究(皇家学者),
- 1988年9月-1990年12月到德国波鸿鲁尔大学从事合作研究(洪堡学者),
- 1994年10月-1995年4月到英国利物浦大学从事合作研究(访问教授),
- 1998年6月-1998年9月到巴西圣保罗大学从事合作研究(客座教授),
- 1999年5月-1999年7月到日本东京理科大学讲学(客座教授)。
- 轻型碰撞能量吸收材料和结构耐撞性设计的力学理论及应用研究
- 非均质材料细观损伤破坏过程、强度理论与强韧化机制
- 泡沫金属和泡沫金属复合结构的力学行为
- 结构冲击和结构动态失效准则
- 弹塑性动态断裂与裂纹扩展稳定性
- 非均匀介质的断裂力学
- 非局部弹塑性本构模型及其在断裂力学中的应用
- 冲击载荷下材料的热粘塑性失稳和绝热剪切区域的演化
- 应力波理论
- 动态测量技术和数据处理
- 中国力学学会常务理事,《力学学报》、《力学进展》、《爆炸与冲击》编委会委员。
- 1986中国科学院科技进步二等奖,“弹塑性波的理论和应用研究”
- 1987英国皇家奖学金(Royal Fellowship)
- 1989德国洪堡奖学金(Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship)
- 1994英国皇家学会奖学金(Royal Society Sino-British Fellowship)
- 2006教育部自然科学一等奖,“固体中非线性弹塑性加-卸载波和粘弹性波的传播”
- 国家自然科学奖(数学和力学组)评委,中国科学院自然科学奖/科技进步奖评委,国家教委优秀教材奖评委,国家自然科学基金委员会航空科技联合基金、NSAF联合基金、国家杰出青年基金评委,国家重点实验室数理领域评估专家组成员。
- International Journal of Solids and Structures,International Journal of Impact Engineering,International Journal of Fracture,Materials Science and Engineering: A,Composites Science and Technology,Experimental Mechanics,International Journal of Damage Mechanics,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures,Surface and Coatings Technology,Acta Mechanica,Acta Mechanica Sinica,中国科学、科学通报、力学学报、物理学报、金属学报、固体力学学报、爆炸与冲击、高压物理学报、实验力学、应用力学学报、工程力学,计算物理,力学进展、力学与实践、力学季刊等杂志审稿人。
- 第三、四、五届(1998,2001,2004)国际冲击工程研讨会 (International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE)) 国际指导委员会成员。
- 1.寇东鹏,虞吉林,双重孔径泡沫金属材料的强度和热性能多目标优化设计(Multi-objective optimum design for strength and heat insulation of metal foam with dual-size cellular structure),金属学报,46 1 (2010),104-110。 [PDF]ISSN: 0412-1961; DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1037.2009.00414 SCI: 559KM; EI: 20101312808628
- 2.Yu JL, Wang EH, Guo LW. A theoretical and experimental study on the constitutive model of aluminium foams. Materials Science Forum, 638-642 (2010), 1878-1883. (Invited presentation at THERMEC’2009) [PDF]DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.638-642.1878 EI: 20100612692971
- 3.Guo LW, Yu JL. Bending response of sandwiched double tube structures with aluminium foam core. ISCM II and EPMESC XII (Nov.30-Dec.3, 2009, Hong Kong – Macau), Part One, AIP CP1233, eds Lu JWZ, Leung AYT, Iu VP, Mok KM, American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York (2010), pp 602-607. [PDF] ISSN: 0094-243X; ISBN 978-0-7354-0778-7
- 4.Lim CW, Li C, Yu JL. Free vibration of pre-tensioned nanobeams based on nonlocal stress theory. J. Zhejiang Univ.-Sci. A (Appl Phys & Eng), 11 1 (2010), 34-42. [PDF] ISSN: 1673-565X; DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A0900048 SCI: 554TQ; EI: 20100512683085
- 5.Guo LW, Yu JL, Li ZB. Experimental studies on the quasi-static bending behavior of double square columns filled with aluminum foams. Acta Mechanica, 213 (2010), 349-358. [PDF] DOI: 10.1007/s00707-010-0281-1
- 6.Liu YD, Yu JL, Zheng ZJ, Li JR. A numerical study on the rate sensitivity of cellular metals. Int. J. Solids Structures, 46 22-23 (2009), 3988-3998. [PDF] ISSN: 0020-7683; DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.07.024 SCI: 515PI; EI: 20093912335165
- 7.寇东鹏,虞吉林,郑志军,随机缺陷对蜂窝结构动态行为影响的有限元分析(Effect of randomly removing cell walls on the dynamic crushing behaviour of honeycomb structures),力学学报,41 6 (2009),859-868。[PDF]EI: 20095112567483
- 8.Lim CW, Li C, Yu JL. The effects of stiffness strengthening nonlocal stress and axial tension on free vibration of cantilever nanobeams. Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 2 3 (2009), 223-233. [PDF]
- 9.Lin J, Zheng ZJ, Yu JL, Bai YL. A thin liquid film and its effects in an atomic force microscopy measurement. Chinese Physics Letters, 26 8 (2009), 086802. [PDF]ISSN: 0256-307X; DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/26/8/086802SCI: 479ME
- 10.Kou DP, Li JR, Yu JL, Cheng HF. Mechanical behavior of open-cell metallic foams with dual-size cellular structure. Scripta Materialia, 59 5 (2008), 483-486. [PDF]ISSN: 1359-6462; DOI:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2008.04.022SCI: 333PR; EI: 082711353734
- 11.Yu JL, Wang EH, Li JR, Zheng ZJ. Static and low-velocity impact behavior of sandwich beam with closed-cell aluminum foam core in three-point bending. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 35 8 (2008), 885-894. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2008.01.006 SCI: 317DO; EI: 082111266070
- 12.Yu JL, Wang EH, Li JR. An experimental study on the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of aluminum foams under multi-axial compression. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, eds. JH Fan, HB Chen. DEStech Publications, Lancaster (2008), pp. 879-882. [PDF]ISBN: 978-1-932078-80-0ISTP: BHX21
- 13.刘耀东,虞吉林,郑志军,惯性对多孔金属材料动态力学行为的影响(Effect of Inertia on the Dynamic Behavior of Cellular Metal),高压物理学报,39 2 (2008),118-124。 [PDF]ISSN: 1000-5773; DOI: CNKI:SUN:GYWL.0.2008-02-001EI: 083511493938
- 14.郑志军,虞吉林,任意轴对称弹性体吸附接触的广义Maugis模型 (A generalized Maugis model for adhesive contact of arbitrary axisymmetric elastic objects),力学学报,39 3 (2007),382-388。[PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.2007-03-012EI: 072510663315
- 15. 郑志军,虞吉林,李剑荣,林静,幂次型表面的轴对称弹性体之间的吸附接触(Adhesive contact of power-law axisymmetric elastic objects),中国科学技术大学学报,37 10 (2007), 1293-1299。[PDF]ISNN: 0253-2778; DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZKJD.0.2007-10-022
- 16.Zheng ZJ, Yu JL. Using the Dugdale approximation to match a specific interaction in the adhesive contact of elastic objects. J. Colloid and Interface Science, 310 1 (2007), 27-34. [PDF]ISSN: 0021-9797; DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2007.01.042
EI: 071610552302; SCI: 160UJ; PubMed: 17335843
- 17.谢中友,李剑荣,虞吉林,泡沫铝填充薄壁圆管三点弯曲实验的数值模拟(Numerical simulation of three-point bending experiments of thin-walled cylindrical tubes filled with aluminum foam),固体力学学报,28 3 (2007),261-265。[PDF]ISSN: 0254-7805; DOI: CNKI:SUN:GTLX.0.2007-03-009EI: 074310890733
- 20.Yu JL, Li JR, Hu SS, Strain-rate effect and micro-structural optimization of cellular metals. Mechanics of Materials, 38 1-2 (2006), 160-170. [PDF]ISSN: 0167-6636; DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2005.05.018EI: 05479486618; SCI: 987LN; ISTP: 987LN
- 21.Li JR, Yu JL, Computational simulations of intergranular fracture of polycrystalline materials and size effect. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72 (2005), 2009-2017. [PDF]ISSN: 0013-7944; DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2004.10.016 EI: 05209105096; SCI: 931PH; ISTP: 931PH
- 22. 李剑荣,虞吉林,随机晶界分布和连通性对晶间破坏行为的影响 (The impact of random grain boundary distribution and connectivity on intergranular fracture of polycrystalline materials),固体力学学报,26 2 (2005), 230-234。[PDF]ISSN: 0254-7805; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0254-7805.0.2005-02-019
- 23.许坤,寇东鹏,王二恒,虞吉林,泡沫铝填充薄壁方形铝管的静态弯曲崩毁行为 (Bending collapse behavior of square aluminum extrusions with aluminum foam filler),固体力学学报,26 3 (2005), 261-266。[PDF]ISSN: 0254-7805; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0254-7805.0.2005-03-002
- 24.Zheng ZJ, Yu JL, Li JR, Dynamic crushing of 2D cellular structures: A finite element study. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 32 1-4 (2005), 650–664. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2005.05.007EI: 05479499599; SCI: 993SR; ISTP: 993SR
- 25. Wei ZG, Yu JL, Batra RC, Dynamic buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial impact. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 32 1-4 (2005), 575-592. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2005.07.008EI: 05479499593; SCI: 993SR; ISTP: 993SR
- 26.虞吉林,王二恒,李剑荣,泡沫金属材料和结构的冲击力学行为,应用力学进展,洪友士主编,祝贺郑哲敏先生八十华诞应用力学报告会邀请报告,科学出版社(2004),pp 63-75。[PDF]ISBN: 7-03-014331-0
- 27.王二恒,李剑荣,虞吉林,程和法,硅橡胶填充多孔金属材料静态压缩力学行为研究 (Investigation of static compression behavior of cellular materials with silicate rubber filler),中国科学技术大学学报,34 5 (2004),575-580。[PDF]ISSN:0253-2778; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0253-2778.0.2004-05-009
- 28.王二恒,虞吉林,王飞,孙亮,泡沫铝材料准静态本构关系的理论和实验研究 (A theoretical and experimental study on the quasi-static constitutive model of aluminum foams),力学学报,36 6 (2004),673-679。[PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.2004-06-004
- 29. Li JR, Yu JL, Wei ZG. Influence of specimen geometry on adiabatic shear instability of tungsten heavy alloys. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 28 3 (2003), 303-314. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/S0734-743X(02)00022-2EI: 02507264036; SCI: 623HH; ISTP: 623HH
- 30.Yu JL, Wang X, Wei ZG, Wang EH. Deformation and failure mechanism of dynamically loaded sandwich beams with aluminium-foam core. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 28 3 (2003), 331-347. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/S0734-743X(02)00053-2
EI: 02507264038; SCI: 623HH; ISTP: 623HH
- 31.Li JR, Cheng HF, Yu JL, Han FS, Effect of dual-size cell mix on the stiffness and strength of open-cell aluminum foams. Materials Science and Engineering A, 362 1-2 (2003), 240-248. [PDF]ISSN: 0921-5093; DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5093(03)00570-7
EI: 03457714371; SCI: 749HF
- 32.李剑荣,虞吉林,魏志刚,冲击载荷下钨合金圆台试件绝热剪切变形局部化的数值模拟 (Numerical simulation of adiabatic shear localization in truncated-conic specimens of tungsten heavy alloys under impact loading),爆炸与冲击,22 3 (2002),257-262。[PDF]
ISSN: 1001-1455; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:1001-1455.0.2002-03-011EI: 02447178369
- 33.王飞,庄守兵,虞吉林,用均匀化理论分析蜂窝结构的等效弹性参数 (Application of homogenization FEM to the equivalent elastic constants of honeycomb structures),力学学报,34 6 (2002),914-922。[PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.2002-06-008
- 34.Wei ZG, Yu JL, Li JR, Li YC, Hu SS, Influence of stress condition on adiabatic shear localization of tungsten heavy alloys. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 26 1-10 (2001), 843-852. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/S0734-743X(01)00137-3
SCI: 510ZN; ISTP: 510ZN
- 35.李剑荣,王曦,虞吉林,粗晶粒Al多晶试件拉伸变形局部化的数值模拟 (Numerical simulation of deformation localization in coarse-grained aluminum specimens),金属学报,37 7 (2001),717-722。[PDF]ISSN: 0412-1961; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0412-1961.0.2001-07-007EI: 01416684602; SCI: 502XA
- 36.王飞,李剑荣,虞吉林,铝蜂窝结构单向压缩、失稳和破坏机制研究 (A study of instability and collapse of aluminum honeycombs under uniaxial compression),力学学报,33 6 (2001), 741-748。[PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.2001-06-002
- 37.王曦,虞吉林,泡沫铝的单向力学行为 (Uniaxial mechanical behavior of aluminum foam),实验力学,16 4 (2001),438-443。[PDF]
ISSN: 1001-4888; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:1001-4888.0.2001-04-013
- 38.赵爱红,虞吉林,准脆性材料的细观损伤演化模型 (A micro-mechanical damage model for quasi-brittle materials),清华大学学报(自然科学版),40 5 (2000), 88-91。[PDF]ISSN: 11-5154; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:11-5154/N.0.2000-05-028 EI: 01015502076
- 39.Alves M, Yu JL, Jones N. On the elastic modulus degradation in continuum damage mechanics. Computers & Structures, 76 6 (2000), 703-712. [PDF]ISSN: 0045-7949; DOI: 10.1016/S0045-7949(99)00187-XEI: 00065212621; SCI: 322QL
- 40.Yu JL, Dong XL, Zhang JY. A study of adiabatic shear plugging in Ti6Al4V alloy. Key Engineering Materials,177-180 (2000), 387-392.ISSN: 1013-9826EI: 00065207200; SCI: BQ75T; ISTP: BQ75T
- 41.Wei ZG, Yu JL, Hu SS, Li YC. Influence of microstructure on adiabatic shear localization of pre-twisted tungsten heavy alloys. Int. J. Impact Engineering, 24 6-7 (2000), 747-758. [PDF]ISSN: 0734-743X; DOI: 10.1016/S0734-743X(00)00011-7 EI: 00085268942; SCI: 325FT; ISTP: 325FT
- 42.Zhao AH, Yu JL. The overall elastic moduli of orthotropic composite and description of orthotropic damage of materials. Int. J. Solids Structures, 37 45 (2000), 6755-6771. [PDF]ISSN: 0020-7683; DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7683(99)00226-7
EI: 00095338416; SCI: 354NX
- 43.马薇,李世玮,虞吉林,一种新颖的四梁式压电薄膜微型陀螺 (A new four-beam sensor piezoelectric microgyroscope),中国科学技术大学学报,30 4 (2000),401-405。[PDF]ISSN:0253-2778; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0253-2778.0.2000-04-003 1990-1999
- 44.赵爱红,虞吉林,含正交排列夹杂和缺陷的材料的等效弹性模量和损伤 (The overall elastic moduli and damage of the materials containing orthogonal inclusions and defects),力学学报,31 4 (1999),475-483。[PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.1999-04-011
- 45.董新龙,虞吉林,胡时胜,王悟,王礼立,高加载率下II型试样的动态应力强度因子及断裂行为 (Stress intensity factor and fracture behavior for Mode II crack specimen under high shear loading rate),爆炸与冲击,18 1 (1998),62-68。[PDF]ISSN: 1001-1455; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:1001-1455.0.1998-01-009 EI: 98034133549
- 46. Yu JL, Jones N. Numerical simulation of impact loaded steel beams and the failure criteria. Int. J. Solids Structures, 34 30 (1997), 3977-4004. [PDF]ISSN: 0020-7683; DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7683(96)00228-4EI: 97113912851; SCI: YB666
- 47.虞吉林,黄锐,冲击载荷下软钢梁早期响应的数值模拟和简化模型 (Numerical simulation and a simplified model for the early-stage response of a mild steel beam under impact loading),力学学报,29 4 (1997),464-469. [PDF]ISSN: 0459-1879; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:0459-1879.0.1997-04-009
- 48.Yu JL, Kalthoff JF. Elastic-plastic fracture of precracked Charpy specimens under impact loading. Proc. IUTAM Symp. on Impact Dynamics, eds. Zhemin Zheng and Qingming Tan, Peking Univ. Press, Beijing (1994), pp 347-358.ISTP: BD37R
- 49.虞吉林,裂纹的起始、扩展和分叉,材料和结构的不稳定性,科学出版社(1993),pp 98-108。
- 50.Yu JL, Jones N. Further experimental investigation on the failure of clamped beams under impact loads. Int. J. Solids Structures, 27 9 (1991), 1113-1137. [PDF]ISSN: 0020-7683; DOI: 10.1016/0020-7683(91)90114-UEI: 91050205864; SCI: EQ473 1980-1989
- 51.Yu JL, Jones N. Numerical simulation of a clamped beam under impact loading. Computers & Structures, 32 2 (1989), 281-293. [PDF]ISSN: 0045-7949; DOI: 10.1016/0045-7949(89)90040-0EI: 90020134314; SCI: AB730
- 52.虞吉林,郑哲敏,材料的非均匀性对裂纹尖端附近应力分布的影响 (Influence of inhomogeneity of materials on stress distribution near a crack tip),力学学报,21 5 (1989),556-566。
- 53.虞吉林,郑哲敏,一种非局部弹塑性连续体模型与裂纹尖端附近的应力分布 (A model of nonlocal elastic-plastic continuum applied to the stress distribution near a crack tip),力学学报,16 5 (1984),485-494。
- 54.虞吉林,王礼立,朱兆祥,杆中弹塑性边界传播速度的确定 (Determination of propagation velocity of elastic-plastic boundaries in a bar),固体力学学报,No.1 (1984),16-26。
- 55.虞吉林,王礼立,朱兆祥,杆中应力波传播过程中弹塑性边界的基本性质 (Basic properties of elastic-plastic boundaries in stress wave propagation in a bar),固体力学学报,No.3 (1982),313-324。