近日,从美国机械工程学会传来喜讯,我系90级校友周元鑫当选为2012年美国机械工程学会会士(ASME Fellow)。据不完全统计,我系校友中当选为美国机械工程学会会士的还有78级的张卓敏,81级的李铭。其中新当选的周元鑫在近代力学系取得博士学位,导师为夏源明教授。
美国机械工程师协会(American Society of Mechanical Engineers,简称ASME)成立于1881年,是一家拥有全球超过十万名会员的国际性非赢利教育和技术组织。ASME Fellow的殊荣旨在嘉奖国际机械工程领域的重大成就获得者及突出贡献者。ASME 每年评选Fellow,获选人数不得超过会员总数的千分之一,评选过程极为严谨。
Yuanxin Zhou
Yuanxin Zhou has been a leading researcher in composite fabrication, characterization and modeling for 20 years. He combined the Monte Carlo method and micromechanics approach to simulate the random failure process of composites. He developed experimental methods to evaluate fatigue strength distribution of fiber by using fiber bundles test. His research in nanocomposites has made significant contributions to understand processing-structureproperty relationships of multifunctional composites. Zhou has published more than 80 refereed journal papers and worked as PI and co-PI on a total of $2.9 millions worth of research programs for different governments and industries. Ph.D. (2000), University of Science and Technology of China.