Email: lns@ustc.edu.cn
刘难生,男,中国科学技术大学近代力学系教授、博士生导师。第八届空气动力学会常务理事委员,力学学会流体力学专委会委员。2014年晋升为中国科学技术大学近代力学系教授。2023年获中国科学院优秀研究生导师奖。先后在新加坡国立大学(2005-2007)和美国田纳西大学(2010-2012)进行合作交流。主要从事多种复杂湍流的数值模拟研究、流-固耦合复杂边界运动及相关生物游动推进等方面的研究工作。在湍流模拟、生物运动流体力学、非定常复杂流动和控制等领域取得了创造性的学术成绩,已在国内外著名学术刊物共发表SCI论文90余篇,获他引900余次。其中,关于粘弹性流体的非线性流态演化及弹性湍流的研究方面取得了创新性的系列研究成果,发表在近期的PRL、JFM和PoF上,由此特别受邀在英国皇家学会的经典期刊Philos. T. R. Soc. A发表综述论文。先后主持国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划面上项目、青年基金和面上项目(共7项)、中国科学院科技创新基金、中国应用物理研究院挑战计划课题等项目。
1. Jiaxing Song, Yabiao Zhu, Fenghui Lin, Nansheng Liu*, Bamin Khomami*, TurbulentTaylor–Couette flow of dilute polymeric solutions: a 10-year retrospective, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. 81: 20220132, 2023.
3. Fenghui Lin, Jiaxing Song, Zhiye Zhao, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, A novel transition route to elastically dominated turbulence in viscoelastic Taylor–Couette flow, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.312: 104968, 2023.
4. Ming Yuan, Zhiye Zhao, Luoqin Liu, Pei Wang, Nan-Sheng Liu, Xi-Yun Lu, Instability evolution of a shock-accelerated thin heavy fluid layer in cylindrical geometry, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 969: A6, 2023.
5. Zi-Mo Liao, Zhiye Zhao, Liang-Bing Chen, Zhen-Hua Wan, Nan-Sheng Liu,Xi-Yun Lu, Reduced-order variational mode decomposition to reveal transient and non-stationary dynamics in fluid flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 966: A7, 2023.
6. Jiaxing Song, Fenghui Lin, Yabiao Zhu, Zhen-Hua Wan, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, Self-sustaining cycle of purely elastic turbulence, Physical Review Fluids. 8: 014602, 2023.
8. Fenghui Lin, Zhen-Hua Wan*, Yabiao Zhu, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, High-fidelity robust and efficient finite difference algorithm for simulation of polymer-induced turbulence in cylindrical coordinates, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.307: 104875, 2022.
9. Jiu-Peng Tang, Zhen-Hua Wan, Nan-Sheng Liu, Xi-Yun Lu, Statistical properties of pressure-Hessian tensor, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 934: A22, 2022.
10. Yabiao Zhu, Jiaxing Song, Fenghui Lin, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, Relaminarization of spanwise-rotating viscoelastic plane Couette flow via a transition sequence from a drag-reduced inertial to a drag-enhanced elasto-inertial turbulent flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 931: R7, 2022.
11. Cheng-Quan Fu, Zhiye Zhao, Xin Xu, Pei Wang, Nan-Sheng Liu, Zhen-Hua Wan, Xi-Yun Lu, Nonlinear saturation of bubble evolution in a two-dimensional single-mode stratified compressible Rayleigh-Taylor instability, Physical Review Fluids. 7: 023902, 2022.
12. Peng-Jun-Yi Zhang, Zhen-Hua Wan*, Nan-Sheng Liu, De-Jun Sun, Xi-Yun Lu, Wall-cooling effects on pressure fluctuations in compressible turbulent boundary layers from subsonic to hypersonic regimes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 946: A14, 2022.
13. Jiaxing Song, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, Direct numerical simulation of elastic turbulence in the Taylor–Couette flow: transition pathway and mechanistic insight, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 949: A49, 2022.
14. Jiaxing Song, Zhen-HuaWan, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, A reverse transition route from inertial to elasticity-dominated turbulence in viscoelastic Taylor–Couette flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 927: A10, 2021.
15. Jiaxing Song, Fenghui Lin, Nansheng Liu*, Xi-Yun Lu, Bamin Khomami*, Direct numerical simulation of inertio-elastic turbulent Taylor–Couette flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 926: A37, 2021.
16. Wen-Bin Liu, Dong-Jun Ma, Ming-Yu Zhang, An-Min He, Nan-Sheng Liu*, Pei Wang*, A new surface tension formulation in smoothed particle hydrodynamics for free-surface flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 439: 110203, 2021.
17. Jiupeng Tang, Zhiye Zhao, Zhenhua Wan, Nansheng Liu*, On the near-wall structures and statistics of fluctuating pressure in compressible turbulent channel flows. Physics of Fluids. 32: 115121, 2020.
18. Yabiao Zhu, Jiaxing Song, Nansheng Liu*, Xiyun Lu, Bamin Khomami, Polymer-induced flow relaminarization and drag enhancement in spanwise-rotating plane Couette flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 905: A19, 2020.
19. Zhiye Zhao, Nansheng Liu, Xiyun Lu*, Kinetic energy and enstrophy transfer in compressible Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 904: A37, 2020.
20. Zhiye Zhao, Pei Wang, Nansheng Liu, Xiyun Lu*, Analytical model of nonlinear evolution of single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor instability in cylindrical geometry. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 900: A24, 2020.
21. Jiaxing Song, Hao Teng, Nansheng Liu*, Hang Ding, Xiyun Lu, Bamin Khomami, The correspondence between drag enhancement and vortical structures in turbulent Taylor-Couette flows with polymer additives: a study of curvature dependence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 881: 602-616, 2019.
22. Hao Teng, Nansheng Liu*, Xiyun Lu, Bamin Khomami, Turbulent drag reduction in plane Couette flow with polymer additives: a direct numerical simulation study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 846: 482-507, 2018.